Lincoln is almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage) and is about 15 inches long. His brain and nervous system are going through major developments. That's what I just looked up online :)
I'm feeling pretty good - a little tired the past few days but other than that I'm feeling great. I was having sciatic nerve pain there for awhile but it's calmed down the past couple weeks which has been great.
Here's my 30 week belly bump photo. I got a couple new things this past week at Motherhood Maternity, including this super cute dress.

Ethan wanted to get in the picture too :)

It was a beautiful weekend. Saturday I had a photo shoot - my first Senior Picture session. It was for one of my old daycare parents oldest daughter. I headed to Grand Blanc and met them downtown in hopes that I could find some good spots for pictures. I did :) Found a couple spots I loved by some buildings and then I knew of a few gazebos and such too that we drove too. The photos turned out great and it was loads of fun. Here are a few favorites.

And here are two I took of sweet Rachel. I used to watch her at my daycare when she was just 2 weeks old! I watched her until she was 2 and we had lots of special memories together. She was my first full time child and I fell in love with her. It's hard to believe she's going to be starting kindergarten this fall! Is she cute or what?

Later that evening we dropped little princess off at Gma and Gpa Petke's house and took Ethan on a date. Mom and Dad (and Aunt Kristy) went to dinner at the mall and then took him to see his very first movie - Cars 2. We weren't confident he would sit through the whole thing but thought we would try since he loves Cars. He lasted about 30 minutes :) The movie was 2 hours. Daddy took him out once he got bored and they walked around the mall and got some ice cream together. Luckily we were able to get 2 movie vouchers since the boys weren't able to stay in the movie - that was nice of them. So, now mommy and daddy will get a free movie next month on our date night out :) It was still so cute to see Ethan in the movies....eating away his popcorn.
We picked up our girl on the way home and headed back home. Some fireworks were just starting and we could see them from our driveway great so we thought we would let the kids stay up and watch them. They were both terrified of them - ha! They both started crying and they ran in the house so fast we were cracking up. So cute how innocent kids are - Ethan kept telling me, "Too loud....too loud." Oh well, maybe one year they'll like them :) We decided to watch from inside the house instead and they were ok with that. Ha!
Sunday morning we headed to church and it was a great service. We all gathered together outside the church after service and prayed and broke ground on our new church! We are just starting the process of a new building and it's gonna be awesome :) I love our church and the people so much - it really feels like home to me. I've never been able to say that about a church before but I can now and it's so wonderful. I've built so many great friendships through being involved and just love it. I love the realness of our pastor, that he wears jeans on Sunday's and isn't fake. He grew up atheist, was heavy into drugs and drinking and I love his heart and his testimony of how God turned his life around. He doesn't act like he's perfect and someone to be put on a pedestal. He's just an ordinary guy who loves Jesus!
After church I had our babysitter/friend Amanda come over and do some weeding. Jeremy and I have been working on it for weeks off and on and still have lots to do. I asked her a couple weeks ago if she was interested in doing some weeding for some money and she quickly said yes please! She's saving up for a car :) So she spent a few hours here yesterday and filled 2 yard bags of weeds and is coming back Wednesday to work some more. I can't wait until it's all done and we can get some mulch - it will look SO much better.
Jer went golfing with the boys yesterday afternoon and then they (my bro, my cousin and his gf) came back for a BBQ. It was fun and I made strawberry shortcake for dessert. So so good!
Well, my hubby is going out of town this week. Sigh. It's for business and I'm of course glad as it could lead to some great deals (he's in sales) for GMG/him/us but I so don't like being away from him. His flight leaves very early Wednesday morning (6am - ugh) and he gets back Friday afternoon. We've been apart maybe 10 nights in our almost 8 years of marriage (half of which was me in the hospital having our babies) so I always get sad when he's gone. The kids will keep me busy though I'm sure and we'll have a nice long July 4th weekend when he gets back so that will be fun. He's going to Tennessee and it's supposed to be super hot while he's there.
Well, that's about all for now. Hope you all have a great week!