May 28, 2009

Dr Appt - 39 Weeks

First off, my midwife is officially back in Michigan! Praise God....I was really hoping she would be back in time for this little girl's arrival so that is an answer to my prayers. He cares about the details! (Psalm 37:23)

My appt. was with one of the doctors that has been covering for Jeanne, she was really nice. Nothing too new to report. She checked me and I am just dilated a fingertip (not even 1) and my cervix is starting to soften, about 40-50% effaced. She said the baby's head is starting to come down but it's still up a little high. I really was not surprised because I haven't had many contractions at all and that is what causes you to dilate....never had them with Ethan water broke and it was hours later the contractions started. So, she could still come any's just a waiting game now! My next appt. is with Jeanne on Thursday the 4th if I make it until then. Jeremy seems pretty confident she will be a June baby....kinda hoping she comes in May just to prove him wrong, lol...just kidding, I kinda want a June baby anyways :)

Well, my next post will most likely be announcing the birth of our little stay tuned folks! :)

Keri & Baby

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