So I am trying to learn about editing when it comes to photography. There is a program a friend recommended and they have a free 30 day trial so I was just messing around with it. Most of it goes over my head but I was able to figure it out a little bit.
Here's the before editing photo: And the after editing photo:
Isn't that amazing? God's love for us never changes. Never. Many times friends love us "conditionally" and we are loved based on what we do or don't do....but God's love for us never changes, He always love us, He never fails us. Wow, what a blessing it is to know Him!
Just wanted to share this music video. It fills me with joy (as it does my kids who are dancing in circles). God's Love never fails us!! His love is unconditional and no matter what storms may come in our life, He is there to bring us through them. There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning!
Thank you Jesus for making ALL things work together for my GOOD! (Romans 8:28)
Can I just say that my kids are really, really cute? I was the mom that was nervous when I was pregnant with Ethan that he may not be cute. Just ask my mom, I used to always tell her that - ha!
I know I'm a bit biased but I really think my kids are sooo adorable! I mean, I can't imagine a cuter boy or girl than the ones I have. So thankful they are mine :)
Mother's Day was wonderful. I went (without the kids) out to lunch with my family while daddy and the kids napped back at home. It was so nice to enjoy myself and enjoy a meal without having to worry about feeding the kids, keeping them happy or eating super fast because they are throwing a fit. I then went home and got the kids and we went over to my parents for a few hours because all my family on my mom's side came back to their place afterwards. Jer wasn't feeling well so he stayed home and relaxed. I feel so so blessed to have a beautiful boy and girl - wow, thank you Jesus!
The kids both have colds (thanks to their daddy ;)) but they are doing fine.
Just wanted to share a few pictures of the cutest kids ever! Can you tell I'm so lovin' my new camera!!
I LOVE this picture. He melts me!! (Don't mind the peanut butter on his face. Ha) Having fun with cousin Angela being silly and laughing so hard Gorgeous Gracelyn Mother's Day Lunch - Lei Ting ~ Yummy Chinese! My Amazing Grandparents My Parents ~ such a good picture of them! My cousin Tara and her husband Jesse My Aunt Nancy and Uncle Pete My cousins Tiffany and Tabitha I know - what a good looking family I have, right?
And last but not least, my beautiful momma and her two grandbabies :)
I think I forgot to mention on my last post that I got a new camera! I have been wanting a nice one for awhile and have been saving up for it. I just got it today and I LOVE it. The picture quality is amazing compared to my old camera and I am so geeked about having a nice camera to photograph my beautiful family with :) I took a few pictures of the kids after they woke up from their naps and thought I would share :)
Yesterday we found out that Jeremy's Grandma (Step Grandma to Jer but nevertheless just like a Grandma...just a precious and special lady) passed away. She was 90. That seems so old and yet it really isn't that much time at all.
It got me thinking about life and death. How time seems to be going by so our lives here on earth are really so short. It's challenged me to make the most of each day and live each day as if it's my last. That really changes the way you would go about your day wouldn't it?
If I woke up every morning really grasping the fact that today might be my last day to live....well, I know I would do things that I haven't done and that I wouldn't do or say things that I do. Does that make sense?
We so easily can get frustrated about things or at people in our lives....speak negatively of them or judge or criticize them. We all do it. If I woke up this morning and knew today, May 2, 2010 was my last day to live what would I do? Here are a few things that come to mind.
I would call/write/text/visit everyone I care about and tell them I loved them. I would thank them for being there for me. I would tell them what an impact they made in my life. I wouldn't hold any grudges, hurt, anger or bitterness in my heart towards anyone. I would say I forgive you love you. I wouldn't lose my patience even once during the day with my kids. I would only cherish them, love them, snuggle them, and kiss them until my lips fell off. (Such a mom thing to say I know) I would tell my husband how much I love him and how beautiful my life has been because of him. I would tell him that apart from God he's my everything and how I wouldn't trade him for anyone, (including Wentworth Miller and Patrick Dempsey. You hear that baby? ;)) I would talk to anyone and everyone I saw at the bank, grocery store, post office, park...wherever I was that day...about Jesus and tell them how He loves them and that He is the only answer, our only this lost and dying world. While I do some of these things already I know that I fall short on a daily basis.
Hmm. Interesting. Isn't that how we are supposed to live EVERY DAY of our lives??? I should always tell those I love that I love them. I should never keep bitterness, or anger in my heart, I should always forgive. I should always be patient when my kids are having one of those "days". I should always tell my hubby what a great husband and father he is. I should always be patient and kind.
The truth is, we have no idea when our life is going to be over on this earth. It could be in 60 seconds or it could be 60 years from now. Regardless, we should live our lives like today is our last. It's a challenging thought.
It reminds me of a song I love that really challenged me years ago. Turn up your speakers and listen to the lyrics.
Although I wasn't extremely close to Dottie I will miss her and her sweet spirit. I think she was a special lady. The last time we saw Dottie (they live in Florida) Ethan was just 10 weeks old. Here is a picture of Dottie holding our new baby :)
I'm thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so that through faith in Him I can spend eternity in heaven. It's the ultimate gift anyone can receive. John 3:16-17 says, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
I'm so thankful today that through Dottie's death I have a new perspective on life.
Hi. I'm Keri. I'm the blessed momma to the Fab Five. I'm a Michigander, Photographer, Scrapbooker, Jesus Lover, Taco Addict, Chocolate lovin' girl. Married to my best friend for 13 years and enjoying the life God has blessed me with.
Hi. I'm E. I'm 8.5 years old, totally handsome and am the oldest of the 'Fab Five'. I'm in third grade, am a talented soccer player, love sports, staying active & having fun, sweet, sensitive and love to ask a lot of questions.
Hi. I'm Grae. I'm 7 years old, gorgeous as can be and the oldest girl in our fam. I'm in second grade, love to read and sing and am addicted to shopkins. I'm sweet, silly, full of spunk and am in love with my baby sister.
Hi. I'm Linc. I'm 5 years old and the middle child. I love all sports, watching football with dad and playing soccer too! I am beyond cute and have the best laugh. I'm in preschool but cannot wait to go to school with my siblings next year.
Hi. I'm Huddy. I'm 4 years old, majorly cute and the life of the party. I'm almost always happy, full of laughter and am a big goofball! I love to play with bubbles, swing on my swingset and play with the water hose.
Hi. I'm Brooks. I'm 14 months old, seriously adorable and am the baby of the family. I love to nurse, nap, eat, play, crawl and walk alongside furniture. I'm such a happy and sweet baby and adored by everyone.